Legal Notices
Abusive Customer Policy
Nova Luna LLC works very hard to make sure customer are treated with respect. It is an unfortunate reality that issues can arise. If a customer is unhappy about an issue they are entitled to express their dissatisfaction, however, we maintain a zero-tolerance policy for any abusive, hateful, or threatening conduct. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
Offensive or insulting language
Threatening words or behavior either personal or professional
Discriminatory language about a persons race, gender, or sexual orientation
Excessive or abusive use of customer support channels I.e. multiple phone calls, chats, and emails in a short period of time regarding a single issue
Nova Luna LLC is committed to treating customers in a polite and civilized manner and will always respond in a timely manner to resolve customer issues as quickly as possible in accordance with our published policies and terms of service. However, should a customer violate the Abusive Customer Policy we reserve the right to terminate a client's project immediately. If a client’s project is terminated due to abusive behavior our refund policy will apply.